Routine Eye Examinations

Our Comprehensive Eye Exams - What To Expect
Visual Acuity Tests
A standard projected eye chart test is among the first tests performed in a comprehensive eye exam for visual acuity that measure the sharpness of your vision. A small, hand-held acuity chart is used to measure near vision.
Color Blindness Test
Apart from detecting hereditary color vision deficiencies, this test is also a preliminary indicator for other possible eye problems.
Eye Alignment Cover Test
Performed by having you focus on a fixed point and covering either eye for reaction. For instance, this is a common means to assess whether the uncovered eye must move to pick up the fixed focal point. Results of this test could uncover an eye strain or "lazy eye" diagnosis.
Eye Movement Testing
Problems with eye movements can cause eye strain and may affect the ability to read or effectively play sports or other skills. This form of testing is performed to determine how well your eyes can follow a moving object.
Depth Perception Test
A typical Stereopsis test is where you wear 3-D glasses and determine which circle in each four circle pattern looks closer than the other three.
This device is used to help determine your eyeglass prescription. The test consists of focusing on a fixed point through a view port as the optometrist flips through various lenses to determine optimal clarity. Especially useful for children and patients who are unable to accurately answer questions.
This test is performed to fine tune your eyeglass prescription if it is determined you need to start wearing them. A refraction test determines your level of farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism and/or presbyopia.
Slit Lamp Exam
A device to examine the structures of the your eye's cornea, conjunctiva, iris and lens. A wide range of eye conditions and diseases are detected with the slit lamp exam, including cataracts, macular degeneration, corneal ulcers and diabetic retinopathy.
Glaucoma Testing
You typically have no warning signs of glaucoma until you already have significant vision loss. For this reason, routine eye exams that include gluacoma testing are essential to rule out early signs of the disease and protect your eyesight.
Commonly known as the "puff-of-air" test, a non-contact tonometry (NCT) calculates your intraocular pressure (IOP). If you have high eye pressure, you may be at risk for or have glaucoma.
Retinal Imaging
Kaz Vision & Laser Center possesses modern retinal imaging devices that allow us to capture a high-resolution, wide-angle photograph of your retina without the use of dilation drops.
Peripheral Visual Field Test
In some cases, your eye doctor may want to check for the possible presence of blind spots in your peripheral or "side" vision by performing a visual field test. Analysis of blind spots also may help identify specific areas of brain damage caused by a stroke or tumor as well as eye diseases such as glaucoma.